03 grudnia 2014

First part of radio show - universities in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Poland

Hi! It's time to show you our first audition. Every time we will present to you short teaser in polish, but to the first program you have a special gift from us - polish transcript of ALL! You can find it in pdf. Enjoy ;)

Erasmus evening - first radio show in Poznań (in english) about Erasmus, for Erasmus and with Erasmus students! ;)

First topic: university.

My guests were Natalia Ivanova (Sofia-Bulgaria), Olga Vorovka (Kiev-Ukraine) and Konstantin Mravov (Sofia-Bulgaria) - all studying now at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

Welcome to the first erasmus radio show in Poznań!

Listen to us every two weeks on Tuesday at 11pm in Radio Meteor ---> click here:www.meteor.amu.edu.pl

Gabriela Jelonek (host - Poland)

P.S.: We aren't native speakers of english - so forgive us our mistakes! ;)

4 komentarze:

  1. Great idea! I'm going for erasmus to Poland in second semester ;)))

  2. Me too ;D i will write to you as soon as i get to Poznań in February!

    1. gabriela.jelonek@meteor.amu.edu.pl - that's my e-mail, you can write to me :)
