15 lipca 2017

Erasmus evening is a winner of European Charlemagne Youth Prize!

Finally I have some time to write to you :) After 18h of travel (delayed and broken plane...) I was in Poland and finally after 3 days airlines find my lost, and already broken luggage (with medal inside! sic!). That was travel with adventures, but it's ok right now.:)

Last month was for me incredible, I really didn't expect that in one place I'll meet so much wonderful, full of power and positive energy people! <3 Belive me, I'm smiling all the time when I think about Aachen :) - not just because of the award. ;)

23rd of May 2017 my project, radio show "Erasmus evening" won European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2017.

27 national winners have presented many wonerful ideas and highlighted a lot of challanges, that EU have. That really inspired me and I hope that will inspire also our politicians, even if they didn't really wanted to listen to our voice during Europa Forum.
Look, we all (national winners and our non-profit organizations) are working as volunteers and many ideas, that national winners have are incredilble good! And sometimes - I'm not affraid to say that - this young people do the job, that EU should do. So remember, power is us! Europe is you, she, he and I - and our ideas are the future (and it's not just a slogan), every idea start in someone's mind, and it just depends on us, if we will go into action.

Obtaining this award is a great honor - the more that Poland took first place for an individual project and European Charlemagne Youth Prize never won an individual project. It shows that you do not have to be affiliated in any organization to contribute to the integration of Europe. Secondly, it's a prize for a journalistic project, so I think journalists should realize how important it is to prepare good informations, not just bad news. We journalists must remember that there is a certain responsibility on our part.

I also hope that for me it's a fantastic beginning of my radio career.I have to say thank you for all support that I get from my family, love, friends and just accidental people on the streets. You raise me up!A lot of people are asking me: what now? Representatives of the European Parliament told me in Aachen that they will be very happy, if I'll continue the program. I also want to continue it and already I get proposals from some radio stations to do it. But where and when will you be able to listen to new episodes of Erasmus evening I do not know yet. ;)

Thank you all for everything!

P.S.: I already realised, that on FB and TT someone started to create fake profiles of my radio show... :O so on real fanpage I added my name, this is it Erasmus evening by Gabriela Jelonek. Here you can also listen to all programs: click! Feel free to like and share!

P.S.2: Below you can find some articles and intervievs about the project (eng, it, de). :) If you would like to listen about European Charlemagne Youth Prize and my project Erasmus evening by Gabriela Jelonek - here you have some interview in english in Radio Poland and here in italian in Radio1 Rai and here in german. :)

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