21 stycznia 2015

10 Myths about Erasmus Programme

Today we want to present you 10 myths about Erasmus Programme:

1. Erasmus-Orgasmus - No. Not all knowledge ends up in bed. Surprised? Most people go mainly just to make international friends relationship.

2. Nice vacation time - All classes on Erasmus are mandatory, generally there is no mercy. The argument that you are a Erasmus, and may instead develop 15 subjects could 10 just does not work. Erasmus, non-Erasmus, go to class and learn a must. A lot.

3. On vacation does not run out of money - No, unfortunately not. Erasmus scholarships are not too high, but of course everything depends on the university.

4. Party every day – Of course if you want come back to your country exhausted and with the failed semester or year on your studies. But 2-3 times per week it's possible, but still - not every week.

5. You will live in modern apartment - Apartment in the center is expensive and the scholarship is hard to pay for them. Therefore, the students often choose a student flat near the university campus or dormitories.

6. You can learn foreign language well - On Erasmus exchange you are surrounded in great majority by others Erasmus students, not native citizens. That’s they with who you live, spend your free time or attend courses and their language skills are different – one of them speak quite well whereas the others really poorly. But for example if you are going to country, where you will try to learn english, but the native language is different, your language studies could be less effective (of course, it don't have to be!). Of course it depends on country - if you are going to England to learn english or to Spain to learn spanish it's easy to pick up the language.

7. From scientific point of view that time will be beneficial - Maybe there are universities where it’s not truth but generally courses are really easy and don’t pose a challenge. It quite common that somebody has only courses 2 days a week and their weekend has 5 days. It is also truth that sometimes it’s hard to find courses that are requested by home university and you have to enroll at something not entirely connected with your field of study.

8. After comming back you don't have to pass exams, if you get 30 or 60 ECTS credits. Exacly it depends from univesity. For example in Adam Mickiewicz University you have one year to pass program differences.

9. You will not want to go home - After a few weeks you will miss what is national for you and desire to eat for example pierogi from your mom. To be honest - you will be happy if you will find sth from your counry abroad.

10. You won't stand POST ERASMUS DEPRESSION. For sure sooner or later you will have it. But you can make it easier - you can meet and party with all your friends after half or one year on Erasmus. Also you can join local ESN and be Erasmus Tutor/Mentor. Thanks to that you will help other Erasmus students and you can feel erasmus spirit in your city! At the end you can go for Erasmus Practice or if it is possible - second time for Erasmus (it's possible, if you before were on program LLP-Erasmus or if you went for Erasmus + during balchelor, you can go again during master studies).

BONUS: It’s not that easy to get on Erasmus exchange. If you are going to countries like Spain, France or Italy english it’s not enough! You have to know native language of those countries, because usually there is no classes in english. That’s why universities are checking your language skills before. Some students are trying to get an exchange even 2 years, but finally they get it and they pick up the language quickly. Don't give up! You have to try ;)

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